Diablo 2 resurrected amazon skills
Diablo 2 resurrected amazon skills

diablo 2 resurrected amazon skills

  • Maximizing damage is crucial for Fendazons since they are always close range.
  • Vitality: Dump almost all your stat points in Vitality.
  • Dexterity: Enough for high-end Amazon equipment.
  • Strength: Enough for high-end Amazon equipment.
  • diablo 2 resurrected amazon skills

    With the Lightning Javazon, you can easily clear single enemies or full mobs, even without help.įendazon Amazons primarily use the Fend skill to turn the (usually ranged) Amazon class into a melee build that can cleave through large groups of tough enemies. While the Bowazon has strength in her versatility, the Javazon almost always selects skills and play styles that focus entirely on her Javelins. The Javazon is the Bowazon's older, stronger, and more focused sister. Faith bows are widely regarded as the general go to, but if you're using a crossbow, you might want to imbue it with Lycander's Aim. Weapon: Upgrade your bow as necessary and by comparing them as you find them.

    diablo 2 resurrected amazon skills

  • The Bowazon is a popular and simple build, but it's highly recommended that you get a hireling to distract mobs while you deal damage from the sidelines.
  • Dexterity: Dump most stat points into Dexterity.

  • Diablo 2 resurrected amazon skills